Professional support services partnering with social workers, local authorities, solicitors and more, offering bespoke services to meet individual needs.

Assessments (SGO)

A Special Guardianship Assessment is an assessment completed of alternative family members by the Local Authority…


A befriender is someone who becomes or acts as a friend. It is a one-one non-judgment relationship…


Social Workers, Schools, Parents or Foster Carers may need support with ensuring the child in their care attends…

Family Support

Family Support

Family support services are community-based services that assist and support parents in their role as caregivers…

Intensive 1:1 Direct Work

Young people, and their families may experience adversity requiring 1:1 support to strengthen, and help them…


A mentor is an experienced person who guides a less experienced person by building trust and modelling…

Outreach Community Support

Outreach support is supporting individuals to live on their own…

Safe Body Work

Safe Body Work

Children can be sexually abused at any age, within any culture or religion by adult men or women and even…

Supervised Contact

This involves someone to be allocated to be present during contact between a parent or significant other and the child…

Transition Work

The Care Act 2014 describes processes the Local Authorities should use when supporting a child/young carer…

Welfare Home Visits

Home visits are an effective intervention for socially high-risk families with young children, which improves the…