Springcare’s COVID-19 Statement
Springcare Support Services will continue to make a thorough assessment of the risks from COVID-19 in its premises and services, maintaining safe and effective procedures for all of its activities and ensuring that all staff are equipped with the latest information, training and guidance required to properly manage the risk. Springcare Support Services will closely monitor all relevant operational guidance as it changes rapidly in response to the spread of the virus and developing an understanding of its effective control and will ensure that it stays up to date with reliable sources of information and that it has the flexibility to respond when required.
Springcare Support Services recognises the importance of continuing to monitor the risk presented by COVID-19 and COVID-19 variants, and has implemented proportionate processes to manage and mitigate this risk. As a care provider, Springcare Support Services ensures that robust infection control policies and procedures are in place. Springcare Support Services acknowledges the latest guidance on infection prevention control and carries out its activities in accordance with this guidance and local risk assessment and acknowledges the latest guidance on staff and Service User testing, along with guidance on the management of positive and suspected COVID-19 cases. Springcare Support Services will continue to work with its partners, suppliers and commissioners to ensure that a safe and effective service can be maintained and understands that it has a responsibility for ensuring that staff follow good infection control and prevention techniques and it supports Service Users with this too. Ensuring that staff have access to reliable information to reduce anxiety and dispel any myths and inaccurate information that may cause worry or distress to staff, Service Users or the wider public. Sufficient risk assessment of the COVID-19 transmission risks continue to be in place.
Reducing The Risk
Reducing the Risk of Contracting or Spreading the Virus Springcare Support Services will ensure that staff, when not at work, follow the WHO guidance and government guidance to reduce the risk of contracting the virus and the risk of spreading it. They must also support Service Users to follow the government requirements and remind them that failure to follow this can result in a fine. Government guidance changes rapidly and Springcare Support Services will ensure it keeps up to date with any changes.
Hand Washing remains a key part of Infection Prevention and Control at Springcare Support Services. You can support to prevent the spread of COVID-19 k by doing the following:
Useful Links For More Information
For the most up to date information, you can visit The Department of Health and Social Care or For various official sources visit Advice for the public (Gov.UK)