For you to receive quality care, we have initiated a Care Coordinator system. They will undertake to identify your needs with you, and en- sure those needs identified can be met through a Service User Plan.

The Care Coordinator system aims to provide each Service User with an advocate within the staff team, and to develop a relationship based on trust and mutual respect. The Care Coordinator will undertake an assessment with you to establish your preferred name, personal circumstances, personal history, social and medical circumstances, all of which will be entered into your Care Plan. Previous work and hobbies, preferences about activities and food will be noted, and a personal programme of support and/or care devised according to your wishes.

Care Coordinators Meeting
Care Coordinators

Your Care Coordinator will be the main point of contact for you and your principal carer/relative. They will be available to answer any questions, to support your daily Care routine and simply have a chat with you whenever you so wish. They will also arrange for meetings to review your Service User Plan periodically with you and your family or friends, and to measure the progress of your care programme.

If you are unhappy with your Care Coordinator, please bring this to the attention of the Registered Manager. The matter will be resolved sensitively and confidentially, and a new Care Coordinator will be as- signed to you, if this is appropriate.

Get In Touch

If you want any more details or would like to make a referral, please contact us.