Our Story

Whilst working in the care industry for many years, it became apparent that many services and support systems did not centre around the needs of service users. This led to Springcare Support Services being established to provide support to individuals that are led by the needs of individuals.

Springcare Support Services is led by a team of professionals with a wide range of experienced workers such as: Social Workers (Inc Students), Nurses, Personal Advisors, Outreach Support Workers, Family Support Workers, Carers, Coordinators, Mentors, Teachers and Domestic Assistance’s.

Our Promise

Our Mission

  • Value and respect individual rights, ensuring their dignity and privacy are maintained at all times Promote independence to individuals to lead a fulfilling life.
  • Empower, enable and support individuals to gain access to community recreational activities.

  • Provide support within a safe, warm and comfortable environment.

Support Objectives

  • To offer skilled care to enable people supported by us to achieve their optimum state of health and well-being.
  • Treat all people supported by us and all people who work here with respect at all times.
  • Uphold the human and citizenship rights of all who work and visit here and of all Service Users.
  • Support individual choice and personal decision-making as the right of all Service Users.
  • Respect and encourage the right of independence for all Service Users.

  • Recognise the individual uniqueness of Service Users, staff and visitors, and treat them with dignity and respect at all times.

  • Respect individual requirements for privacy at all times and treat all information relating to individuals in a confidential manner.
  • Recognise the individual need for personal fulfilment and offer individualised programmes of meaningful activity to satisfy the need of Service Users and staff.

Talk To Us About Your Needs

Talk to us about your support needs, contact one of our friendly team members.

+44 0203 602 7350

Our Service Group

  • Adults 18 +
  • Children 0 – 18 years
  • Families
  • People with Dementia

  • People with Learning disabilities
  • People with Physical disabilities
  • People with Sensory impairments
  • Specialising in working with Autistic/Disabled children and adults under 65